Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Egyptian visits Three Amiruls

From left: Amirul Ariff 4, Amirul Hakimi 7, Abu Bakar 20, and Amirul Hadi 1 month
So that's the first one visits the latest or rather the last one. Abu Bakar is the first grandson from the first son, born in 1990 while Amirul Hadi is the 26th born to the fourth son in 2010, 20 years later.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Bagaimana? Ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan? Sudah pasti ada yang berkata :"Ah..ada-ada saja kamu. Tidak ada yang pelik kurasakan. Hanya logo buaya yang comel. Tidak lebih dari itu."

Jangan tersilap. Jika dilihat sekali imbas, memang tidak akan kelihatan sesuatu yang janggal dari logo ini. Sama juga seperti produk Coca Cola. Setelah diselidik, sekiranya perkataan Coca Cola ini dilihat melalui cermin, akan tertera perkataan bahasa Arab: La Mecca, La Muhammad. Apa maksudnya? Tiada Mekah, Tiada Muhammad SAW. Baiklah, lihat gambar di bawah. Logo Crocs yang dilampirkan di atas diterbalikkan beberapa darjah:

Sudah bisa melihat sesuatu? Ya, kali ini kelihatan dengan jelas. Kalimah ALLAH bukan? Siap ada sabdu lagi.

Friday, August 13, 2010

1Purnama Amirul Hadi

Esok huaa..dah sebulan pun..
Hari ni 3 Ramadhan 1431. Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Kini Amirul Hadi telah genap sepurnama bulan qamariah. Telah sepurnama juga abah dan ibu dengan bantuan atuk dan uwan bertungkus lumus menguruskan urusan seharian.
Hadi..sleeping like a baby
Esok 14 Ogos bersamaan 4 Ramadhan 1431 Amirul Hadi akan kembali ke KBMC untuk first appointment.

mana atuk..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Name is ...

( Nearly a billion and a half Muslims worldwide this week begin the annual holy month of Ramadan name is Sya'aban. I am advising you that my neighbour Ramadhan will be visiting you soon with his wife Rezqi and two children Sahur and Iftaar. They will be accompanied by three grandchildren Rahmat, Barakat and Taubat, they will leave after thirty days by Eid airlines. Treasure them and you will be blessed. Ramadhan mubarak...may this coming Ramadhan bring lots of Nur in your life...

Nearly a billion and a half Muslims worldwide this week begin the annual holy month of Ramadan, a time of prayer and fasting that commemorates the divine revelation received by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim Hijri calendar, during which the faithful abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex during daylight and, in the evening, eat small meals and visit friends and family.

It is a month of piety, alms-giving and fasting in order to instil the body and spirit with the rigours of abstinence, a time of worship and contemplation and to strengthen family and community ties.

Observing Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, the others being the shahada or profession of faith, the obligation to pray five times a day, the giving of alms or zakat and going on pilgrimage to Mecca, the hajj.

The onset of Ramadan, which is determined by observing the crescent moon or by astronomical calculations, can vary from country to country.

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